Where can I find the analyst report for China’s market?

Analyst report is also known as 券商报告 in Chinese. You can find the information in the suggested resources below:

1.Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS)

It collects reports from VAST(维赛特资讯), including VSAT Broker Industry Research Reports (Chinese only) and VSAT Company Research Reports (Chinese only).

2. Wind Terminal

Wind Terminal: Home → Stock  → News and Information → RPP (Research Reports Platform), select the column (such as industry research, company research, fund research, etc.) to narrow your search result to a specific report type. 

3. Important note

  1. Please understand that you should use the analyst reports only for the purpose of academic research, course assignments and career development/interview research, with the knowledge that for-profit uses are forbidden. You can never share full or substantial portions of reports with anyone outside of NYU Shanghai, including experiential client projects, internships, and current employers.
  2. For reports from CITIC Securities(中信证券), TF Securities(天风证券), Guosen Securities(国信证券) and UBS Securities, China branch(瑞银证券), etc at Wind Terminals, they are not available to us as non-whitelist institutions, because they are only open to their current customers.

Real Estate Event & Guide

If you are interested in learning more about China’s real estate market, we’d like to highlight a special event and a resource guide for you.


Real Estate Guide

As part of the “Business in Contemporary China” research guide, it offers comprehensive information and resources on China’s dynamic real estate market. 

Five sections included: 

(1) Reports & Statistics

(2) Journals, Magazines, and Newspapers

(3) Books & Book Chapters

(4) Case Studies

(5) Government Websites & Professional Associations

The information presented on this page is sourced from reputable outlets, including library-subscribed databases and open data from professional organizations. 

Search for a true story? Found

This Thursday, there will be a special film screening of “Found”, followed by a director Q&A and NYU Shanghai community adoptee panel.

Special Event: Film Screening

Found is a powerful documentary that tells the story of three Chinese American adoptees who return to China to reconnect with their roots. Their journeys shed light on the complex role of adoption in both American and Chinese society. 

Time: 18:00-21:00 PM, Thursday, April 20

Place: Auditorium E101

As a supplement to this event, you might be interested to delve deeper into the topic of adoption and cultural identity. 

Our librarian recommends a documentary and a book for you:

  1. Wo ai ni Mommy (I love you, Mommy)


This film reveals the complicated gains and losses that are an inherent aspect of international, transracial adoption. In 2007 Donna and Jeff Sadowsky of Long Island, New York adopted eight-year old Fang Sui Yong from Guangzhou, China. This day will change Sui Yong’s life, forever. Language, habits, food, everything she knows will never be the same. Her new life in America is filled with happiness and confusion. Sui Yong has become someone neither she nor Donna could have imagined. 

2. How Chinese are you? Adopted Chinese youth and their families negotiate identity and culture


Chinese adoption is often viewed as creating new possibilities for the formation of multicultural, cosmopolitan families. However, transnational, transracial adoption also presents challenges to families who are trying to impart in their children cultural and racial identities that they themselves do not possess, while at the same time incorporating their own racial, ethnic, and religious identities. Many of their ideas are based on assumptions about how authentic Chinese and Chinese Americans practice Chinese culture.

To Search More

Go to the main page of NYU Shanghai Library and browse millions of resources in the search bar.

Library Resources for Spring Career Fair


Spring Career Fair is coming!

Do you know the library has career resources that can help you know more about the industries and emplyers beyond Google search?

Come and explore the featured databases, books, and guides below.

1 Industry Information

First Research

The Call Prep Questions focus on key roles such as Operations and Products, Customers and Marketing, Financial Analysis, and Business and Technology Strategies, so you can tailor conversations around the most important problems your client or prospect is facing. 

It can help you become a trusted advisor by accessing value-added content that facilitates and deepens outreach. Before meeting with interviewers, you can read the questions and get yourself well prepared. Hot industries in this year’s career fair:

More industry research databases:

2 Company Information


It contains public and private company profiles, including company history, financial ratios, key contacts, corporate family, competitors, news and SWOT that could not be easily found through the company’s official website and other open sources.

Search Tips:

  • Try to use company’s full name instead of any abbreviations, for example, Msci Inc. and MORGAN STANLEY CAPITAL INTERNATIONAL INC. are two different companies.
  • Click on “Corporate Linkage” to see the members, including parent/group, branches and subsidiaries.
  • Click on “OneStop” function to build your customized report.
  • Use “Build A Company List” to screen a company list on your specific requirement.

Example: Jardine Matheson Holdings Limited/怡和集团

More company research databases:

You can explore more books, databases and useful links from the guide Career Resources at NYU Shanghai to expand your knowledge on employers, careers, job hunting, networking, resumes, cover letters, and interviewing.

3 Bonus

First Research, Hoovers, and Mergent Online are also available for lifelong learning after your graduation from NYU Shanghai. 

Check more for Alumni Resources here.

Apply for Your Free Pudong Public Library Card Now!

Did you know that you can get a library card for all public libraries in Shanghai for free? Besides, it also covers online resources such as Fangzheng, CNKI, Overdrive, etc.

Just apply for a Pudong Public Library Card here!

The deadline is April 7th 2023.

*If you already have an existing card from any Shanghai public library, please do not fill out the form and apply again.*

The application opens once every semester.

Applications received after the deadline will be processed in the next semester.

Card application is open to both Chinese and international students, faculty, and staff.

For further questions and inquiries, feel free to consult our library staff at the circulation desk in the Library on the 4th floor.

Push your limits to succeed – four business competitions

Are you ready to take your skills to the next level and push your limits?

Look no further because we have got an exciting lineup of upcoming competitions just for you!

The library handpicked a selection of competition resources. Check out this Library Resource Guide and get ready to take the challenge by storm!

CFA Institute Research Challenge

The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual international competition that offers university students extensive training in financial analysis and professional ethics as well as on-job-training.

The analytical, valuing, report-writing and presentational abilities of each student will be evaluated. Participants gain real-world experience as they assume the role of a research analyst.

Visit the official website for further details, or contact email Faculty Advisor Prof. David Yu at david.yu@nyu.edu.

L’Oreal Brandstorm

L’Oréal Brandstorm is a global innovation competition accessible to anybody under the age of 30. Gain the chance to receive business mentoring from L’Oréal business specialists, maintain contact with recruiters, and succeed in intrapreneurship missions. 

Visit the official website for its details. Additionally, a council of faculty mentors led by Raymond Ro and Nicole Wang will provide support for participating teams throughout the competition! As for this year’s competition, Christian Grewell will serve as our renowned mentor.

NYU Shanghai Consulting Case Competition

The NYU Shanghai Consulting Interest Group is the organizer of the first NYU Shanghai Consulting Case Competition (NYUSHCCC), a three-week competition. The opportunity to address current business issues is available to all NYU Shanghai students across all majors. You can gain project experience, networking opportunities, industry expertise, and career guidance. A chosen team must consist of 3 to 4 people, with at least 2 members physically present in Shanghai. If interested, register here

HSBC Mainland China Business Case Competition

HSBC Mainland China Business Case Competition is a public welfare event organized by Shanghai United Foundation, sponsored by HSBC Bank(China), and supported by ACRC. The limited-time English competition will strengthen participants’ hard skills, including business analysis and English defense. The employment empowerment workshops will greatly improve participants’ soft skills, including future career planning ability. Find more information through Competition Handbook.

* NYU Shanghai is one of the teams in the south China section. We will recruit a team of 4 undergraduates for this competition in the first year. Please submit your transcript, resume, and a statement of reasons for interest by Monday, Feb 27, 12 PM to David.yu@nyu.edu.There will be a GPA/CV/interview selection process if more than 4 students apply.

Check out the Research Guide

Competition Resource

Are you ready to take your skills to the next level and push your limits? Look no further, because we have got an exciting lineup of upcoming competitions just for you! Check out our handpicked selection of competition resources in this guide and get ready to take the challenge by storm!

1. CFA Institute Research Challenge

The CFA Institute Research Challenge is an annual international competition that offers university students extensive training in financial analysis and professional ethics as well as on-the-job training. The analytical, valuing, report-writing, and presentational abilities of each student will be evaluated. As they take on the responsibilities of a research analyst, they get practical experience. If interested, visit the official website for further details, or contact email faculty advisor Prof. David Yu at david.yu@nyu.edu.

2. L’Oréal Brandstorm

L’Oréal Brandstorm is a global innovation competition accessible to anybody under the age of 30. Gain the chance to receive business mentoring from L’Oréal business specialists, maintain contact with recruiters, and succeed in intrapreneurship missions. For more information about this competition, visit the official website. Additionally, a council of faculty mentors led by Raymond Ro and Nicole Wang will provide support for participating teams throughout the competition! As for this year’s competition, Christian Grewell will serve as our renowned mentor.

3. NYU Shanghai Consulting Case Competition

The NYU Shanghai Consulting Interest Group is the organizer of the first NYU Shanghai Consulting Case Competition (NYUSHCCC), a three-week competition. The opportunity to address current business issues is available to all NYU Shanghai students across all majors. You can gain project experience, networking opportunities, industry expertise, and career guidance. A chosen team must consist of 3 to 4 people, with at least 2 members physically present in Shanghai. If interested, register here

Make Friends with Data – Love Data Week Book Recommendation

Data analysis has become a useful skill for post-graduate careers and a necessary tool for social research. 

To celebrate this year’s Love Data Week, we would like to take you on a field trip to the world of computational social research. The field embraces the wealth of information and opportunities in big data, leverages the power of computational approaches, and emphasizes the scientific rigor in social research. 

If you are curious about the field, or a newcomer, we would like to recommend three books below to you. These books are accessible. They help readers to generate ideas of studying society and human behaviors and offer a toolbox of methodological and technical instruments. 

Bit by Bit – Social Research in the Digital Age

What does social research look like when it enters the digital match? The book uses cases from disciplines of social sciences and other areas such as biology and law to explain how to design social research.

The author has worked in government (at the US Census Bureau) and in the technology industry (at Microsoft Research), and is currently Professor of Sociology at Princeton. 

You may read this book online from its website https://www.bitbybitbook.com/en/1st-ed/preface/.

Quantitative Social Science – An Introduction

The book combines three essential components of data analysis: topics of interest, methodological concepts, and computer programming. Each chapter couples a concept in data analysis (e.g. causality, measurement, prediction, and probability) with an introduction of a core construct in the R language, using many data sets from published research. It also covers the practical and applied aspects of data analysis, including visualization, and exploratory analysis with textual, network, and spatial data.  

The author is Professor of Government and of Statistics at Harvard University. He specializes in the development of statistical methods and machine learning algorithms and their applications to social science research.

The data sets and R scripts for all of the chapters of this book can be found at the author’s GitHub repository https://github.com/kosukeimai/qss

Text as Data – A New Framework for Machine Learning and the Social Sciences

The last book introduces how text can be included in every stage of the research process–discovery, measurement, prediction, and causal inference. 

It describes the frequently used models in text analysis, focusing on how the abundance of text and new statistical methods facilitate inferences rather than the technical details of using text analytics to perform a specific task.

The authors are professors of political science and sociology at Stanford University, University of California San Diego, and Princeton University. 

Related to this book, the course materials for Text as Data can be found in this GitHub repository: https://github.com/justingrimmer/tad_19.


Yun Dai (yun.dai@nyu.edu)

Data Services @ NYU Shanghai Library shanghai.hosting.nyu.edu/data

Relaxation, Reference, Painting – Ways to Recharge During Finals

Did somebody say finals season? Let us get through it together! Need some academic motivation? Stressing over finals season?  We have the Relaxation Zone and some upcoming wellness programming to support your finals.
Join us in the Relaxation Zone, open 24/7 from Dec. 5-16, located in Room 400A. Come in to enjoy some massage chairs, couring stations, light snacks, stuffed animals, and puzzle toys. It is a space to rest, relax, and recharge.

  • Pop-up Reference Q&A

Jump start your papers and projects with support from librarians. You can ask for help with:- Researching for your paper- Citing your sources and developing your works cited- Writing support for any stage of the writing process (organization, clarity, and more!)

  • Finals Week Body Relaxation

Calm your mind, destress and improve your sleep with our body relaxation guided by Prof. Yuting Zhao.

  • Finals Week Destress Painting & Coloring

Take a break to calm your mind, destress and release your emotions with our painting & coloring.

A Recap of Citation Month

This year the NYU Shanghai Library declared October as Citation Month. We celebrated giving credit to your sources with a series of different events.

Citation Clinics

The Library and ARC collaborated to hold six drop-in citation clinics. Each hour-long clinic was dedicated to citation support. Students joined us on Zoom and in person to ask librarians and ARC fellows for help with tricky citations – or just to have their reference list checked.

Citation Button Making

On Tuesday October 18, the Library set up a button making station where you created your own citation badge.

Citation and Formatting Flashcards

The Library and ARC shared weekly tips related to citing and formatting in APA, Chicago, and MLA style.

Download these flashcards from here: ARC’s Academic Handouts folder.

Citation Showdown

Through the last week of October, the Library held a showdown between citation styles, to find out what NYU Shanghai considered the best style.

A Faculty Advocate championed each style by sharing their top reasons their preferred style is the best.

The NYU Shanghai community cast votes by adding stickers to our citation wall under the style they consider best. When the votes were tallied on October 31st the winner was Chicago style, backed by Clinical Associate Professor Lin Chen.

APA Style: 15 stickers
MLA Style: 36 stickers
Chicago Style: 41 stickers

Congratulations, Chicago Style fans!

Thank you for participating in the Citation Month! We hope you get help, fun and a refreshing perspective on the citations.

Let us know your comments and suggestions. And good luck with your papers!

The world will have a NEO-LIBRARY! – AI Art Open Call

Everyone can be an artist, I mean literally. Now just open the webpage, put your thoughts into words, and the machine will turn the texts into images. 

Using the latest text-to-image AI art engines, we invite you to create your own artwork based on the theme “Neo Library“. 

No clue what it means? That’s right, because we don’t either. Use your imagination and show us what a neo-library looks like. Go crazy, but be ethical. Don’t feel you have to associate a “library” with any existing images or ideas, or use the term “neo library” as the keyword. 

The Library supports your work with two local resources, Stable Diffusion and Disco Diffusion, using local GPUs and with accessible UI. Resources to get you started with understanding and working with these tools can be found here.



Benefits of using these local resources

  • Privacy: Your outputs are not stored on our servers. Remember to save them.
  • No limit: Try as much as you want. No worries about running out of GPU quota.
  • Much faster


If any of the websites start to act weirdly, simply refresh the tab, and open the website in a private window. If this does not solve the problem, email Utku (uet200@nyu.edu), our web developer. The websites are also open to suggestions. Report technical issues on https://github.com/uetuluk/disco-diffusion-ui/issues


Again, what is it?

An open call where you are free to post and vote for your favorite text-to-image AI generated art pieces.

How to do it?

How to win?

Upload your work and invite your friends to vote for it: https://neolibrary.ritsdev.top/

Your creation may be selected to be the banner on the Library’s website or to be displayed on the digital screens in the new library space at Qiantan campus. Our expert judge is Assistant Arts Professor of Visual Arts Monika Lin. Others will also have chances to win prizes, including the most active contributors, and the creators of the most popular pieces.

Excited? I am! 

Questions? Need help? Just want to talk about it? Reach out to us via shanghai.library@nyu.edu, or meet in person.

Read all the Bloomberg.com news for free

Good news! Now you can read all the Bloomberg.com news via our Bloomberg terminal! You only need a few easy steps.

Step 1:

Book a time slot through the link: https://nyu-shanghai.libcal.com/spaces?lid=6528&gid=0 

Step 2: 

Log in to the computer with your NetID and password

Step 3:

Log in to the Bloomberg with the library account (in the guide on the desk)

Step 4:

Type in “BBG” and press <go>

Step 5:

When you see the windows with information below. That means you activate the connection between the Bloomberg terminal and Bloomberg.com.

Step 6:

Now you can use the browser and access all the news in Bloomberg.com for free!Please use the terminal within your reserved time slots. Thanks!

Step 6:

Now you can use the browser and access all the news in Bloomberg.com for free!

Please use the terminal within your reserved time slots. Thanks!