Squeezed by your assignment? Ask a librarian

Drive you nuts when searching for resources for your paper?

Locked at home and look for some help for your midterm?

What about asking a librarian?

If you’re worried about what and how to ask for help from our librarians, here are some tips.

1. What can I ask?

We’ve seen all kinds of questions students have asked during the appointments:

How do I know when I’ve searched enough?

How to access a journal article, book, or other publication that’s hard to find?

I haven’t used libraries like this much or at all before. How to use BobCat?

I’m not sure where to start and would like to talk it through.

What are the tips about searching in an unfamiliar discipline?

About what I’ve found – is this a publication? Is it credible? Does it count as peer-reviewed?

How to use Zotero, RefWorks, or EndNote?

It is too much and I am not sure how to narrow what I choose to read.


2. Where to find our librarians?

On Library’s homepage, you can find the chat box. Type your questions directly to the librarians, and they will respond timely online.

(This is not an auto-reply from robots!)

When the chat box goes offline, you can reach out to us through email: shanghai.library@nyu.edu.