Where can I find the analyst report for China’s market?

Analyst report is also known as 券商报告 in Chinese. You can find the information in the suggested resources below:

1.Emerging Markets Information Service (EMIS)

It collects reports from VAST(维赛特资讯), including VSAT Broker Industry Research Reports (Chinese only) and VSAT Company Research Reports (Chinese only).

2. Wind Terminal

Wind Terminal: Home → Stock  → News and Information → RPP (Research Reports Platform), select the column (such as industry research, company research, fund research, etc.) to narrow your search result to a specific report type. 

3. Important note

  1. Please understand that you should use the analyst reports only for the purpose of academic research, course assignments and career development/interview research, with the knowledge that for-profit uses are forbidden. You can never share full or substantial portions of reports with anyone outside of NYU Shanghai, including experiential client projects, internships, and current employers.
  2. For reports from CITIC Securities(中信证券), TF Securities(天风证券), Guosen Securities(国信证券) and UBS Securities, China branch(瑞银证券), etc at Wind Terminals, they are not available to us as non-whitelist institutions, because they are only open to their current customers.